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David Lam Library Campus Closure Guide - Faculty and Staff

This guide contains all relevant library resources and information for UBC Sauder Faculty and Staff during the campus closure

Business Article Databases

undefinedTips for Searching Article Databases Efficiently

  1. Use "and" between different search terms to narrow down your results
  2. Use "or" between similar search terms to expand your results
  3. Use " " around a phrase to search as the words together. Eg: "marketing strategy"
  4. Use * at the end of a word that can end in different spellings. Eg: entrepreneur* (it will search for entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial etc.)
  5. If there is a dropdown beside the search box, choose Subject Term if you want your results to be focused on that topic
  6. Do not forget about the Filter Function of each database after you generate the results. 
    They can help you narrow your results down to the type of publication, year it was published, geography and many more!

Streaming Video

IMPORTANT: Course instructors should enter streaming video titles into LOCR if they are recommending films to their students. Many streamed video databases are subscription-based and access to individual titles can be time-limited. If titles have been entered into LOCR then Library staff will be able to contact instructors before access is lost.

undefinedSearching for Videos at UBC Library

UBC Library homepage:

  1. Type name/subject of video of interest, for eg: "business strategy" (include quotation marks to search it as a phrase)
  2. Narrow down results by the left hand filters:
    Content Type: Streaming Video
  3. Click Apply and the search results will only include streaming video


undefinedBusiness Video Resources

undefinedFor titles to streaming videos that are not available through our subscriptions at UBC, please reach out to Irena Trebic at

Case Studies from Business Databases

undefinedAdd the phrase "case studies" to your search
