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AR Resources

Information about the UBC AR Explore app and links from the Library Literacy sessions at the UBC Education Library

AR Apps

Looking to incorporate augmented reality into your teaching? Here are some apps for you to consider using:












Elements 4D 


Anatomy 4D


AR Flashcards

Classroom Applications and Lesson Ideas

These resources detail some of the ways teachers can use AR in their classrooms:

Common Sense Education: Lesson Plans With Aurasma

Discover Education: "August 2017: Augmented reality in the classroom"

EdTechReview: "How to Use Augmented Reality in the Classroom"

Edutopia: “Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning”

Paul Hamilton: "Augmented Reality in Schools" (Math Tutorials)

Technology in Early Childhood: "Augmented Reality in the Classroom: Writing Numbers 1 through 9"

Zappar: Inspiration for Schools to Get the Most Out of ZapWorks (Lesson Ideas)

Zaqri: Elements 4D Educational Materials (Lesson plans for all grade levels)