Image credit:
Adapted by Charlotte Beck and Suzan Zagar, UBC Library from the EBM Generator. 2012 [online]. Levels of Evidence Pryamid. Available from [accessed on 13 February 2012].
Types of Questions (domains) | Types of Studies |
Therapy | RCT |
Diagnosis | Prospective |
Etiology/Harm | Cohort, case series |
Prognosis | Cohort, case series |
Prevention | RCT |
Qualitative | Grounded theory, phenomenology |
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Image credit:
Adapted by Charlotte Beck and Suzan Zagar, UBC Library from the EBM Generator. 2012 [online]. Levels of Evidence Pryamid. Available from [accessed on 13 February 2012].
Meta search engines
Finding clinical trials:
Subject databases (core for Rehabilitation Sciences)
PsycINFO (EBSCO) | For psychologically related issues, including motivation |
ERIC (EBSCO) | Good for materials relating to education and school aged children |
Sportdiscus (EBSCO) | Sports, exercise, sports physiology |
Compendex Engineering Village | Equipment, electronic modalities |
Image credit:
Adapted by Charlotte Beck and Suzan Zagar, UBC Library from the EBM Generator. 2012 [online]. Levels of Evidence Pryamid. Available from [accessed on 13 February 2012].
Efficient searching follows a structured process:
This work AND animation, by Beck, Charlotte and Zagar, Suzan, identified by UBC Library, is free of known copyright restrictions.
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P |
Patient/Population |
Who or What? |
I |
Intervention |
How? |
C |
Comparison |
What is the main alternative (if appropriate) |
O |
Outcome |
What are you trying to accomplish, measure, improve, effect? |
The PICO blocks help build a structured, methodological and organized search.
Use this PICO worksheet to analyze your search strategy:
Match PICO concepts to search words: subject headings and/or keywords.
Example PICOstatement:
Among (P) stroke patients does the use of (I) Wii improve (O) balance?
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Concept | MeSH | Keyword |
P |
Stroke | Stroke | stroke* CVA* cerebrovascular accident* Cerebral infarction* |
I |
Wii | Video games | Wii videogame* virtual reality* |
O |
Balance | Postural balance | balance equilibrium |
(aka MeSH, descriptors, controlled vocabulary) pull together synonyms and variant spellings and grammar to a single search term or phrase. Identify Subject Heading by using the database thesaurus or headings list. The search engine looks for a match of the subject heading in the subject heading or descriptor field in the record. Additional tools include being able to explode, add subheadings, or limit by the focus or main point.
(aka key terms) can be any word or phrase. The search engine looks for a match of the same combination of letters (generally) in the title and abstract in bibliographic databases, and on the website or fulltext in Google. In some databases, notably Pubmed, Medline(Ovidsp) and Embase(Ovidsp), the search engine automatically tries to map the keyword to a subject heading. Truncation and wild cards assist with variant spellings and grammar.
Form a more detailed explanation.
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babies OR infants finds articles that include either or both concepts
Vitamin C AND colds finds articles with both these concepts
This work AND animation, by Zagar, Suzan, identified by UBC Library, is free of known copyright restrictions.
Limit as appropriate: