Approximately 40 e-books, including a clinical library (Harrison's Online, CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, and more), Lange Educational Library, and a USMLE self-assessment tool and 50+ clinical cases.
This three-dimensional interactive anatomy resource includes over 6500 models of human anatomy. These models focus on individual organs, regions of the body, or anatomical systems. The 3D images can be peeled away in layers and anatomical models can be rotated 360 degrees to demonstrate the interaction of nerves, muscles, ligaments, and bones. Built-in self-assessment quizzes are also included. Images and clips can be used in online courses.
Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination is an updated collection of online videos of the classic textbook on physical examination and history taking.
ClinicalKey provides access to FirstConsult, top journals, best-selling medical and surgical books, thousands of medical videos, millions of images, and much more content across 12 distinct content types.
Additional features, including a presentation maker, the ability to download PDF versions of ebook chapters, customize patient handouts or save content in a personal profile, are available to users who create a free account. Click 'Register' at the top right of the ClinicalKey landing page to create a free account.
Premier biomedical database with over 30 million journal articles in the life sciences. Similar to Pubmed in content, this Ovid interface facilitates structured searching and allows editing of search histories.
Premier database containing over 30 million references to journal articles in life sciences with a focus on biomedicine. Freely available and includes MEDLINE. This link goes to the version with UBC elink.