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UBC Subscribed Databases
- Grand Secretariat Archives / 內閣大庫檔案
The database allows keyword searching for responsible official, title, matter and document number. It contains over 4,000 Ming(1368-1644) documents and more than 300,000 volumes of Ch’ing (1644-1911) archival materials.
- Scripta Sinica Database (Han ji dian zi wen xian zi liao ku) / 中央研究院漢籍電子文獻資料庫
This is the largest Chinese full-text database developed by Academia Sinica, which includes more than 460 titles of important Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history.
- Siku Quanshu (Wenyuange Edition) / 文渊閣四庫全書
The Siku Quanshu was compiled between 1773 and 1782 under the edict of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, China. Containing more than 3,460 works with a total of more than 36,000 volumes, it is the most comprehensive collection of Chinese scholarship up to the 18th century. It covers a wide variety of subjects in the humanities, science, and social sciences. The electronic Si ku is the Wenyuange edition. It is a full-text retrieval system that includes the digitized texts as well as the images of the original pages of the entire set and a few other useful tools.