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Biographic Resources
- Biographical Database of Chinese Buddhism in Sung, Yuan, Ming and Qing / 宋元明清汉传佛教人物资料库
Contains biographical data of 699 figures of Chinese Buddhism in Sung, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties whose works have been circulated worldwide.
- China Biographical Database (CBDB) / 中国历代人物传记资料库
This online database, developed through collaboration among Academia Sinica, Harvard University and Peking University, provides biographical information about approximately 94,000 men and women, primarily from the Tang through the Qing dynasty.
- China Vitae / 中国名人录
A resource containing biographical data on more than 4000 Chinese leaders in government, politics, the military, education, business, and the media.
- 人名权威: 明清人物传记资料查询
A searchable database providing biographical information (biography in brief, list of works, etc.) of people in Ming and Qing Dynasties as recorded in the archives of the Grand Secretariat and the biographical materials held in National Palace Museum.
- Chinese Canadians/ 有关加拿大华侨的研究资料
This subject guide includes some most important sources on Chinese Canadians.