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Aerospace Engineering

Research Essentials

This guide is designed to help you navigate the resources available through UBC Library to conduct research in aerospace engineering.

  1. If your research is broad in scope or exploratory, use Summon to search UBC Library collections. Use Scopus or Web of Science to search for academic journals and filter your results by engineering sources. 
  2. If your research is narrow in focus, use Compendex Engineering Village, or a society publishing platform, such as Aerospace Research Central or IEEE.
  3. Use alerts to automate some of your searching and citation software to manage your sources.
  4. Install the Library Browser Extension to ensure free access to UBC Library collections when searching online.
  5. Contact information is provided for librarians at the UBC Okanagan and Vancouver campuses who can assist you by developing a search strategy unique to your topic, and instructing you on how to make the most of the resources covered in this guide.

Library Access Browser Extension

Step 1: Download and install the extension:

Step 2: Select University of British Columbia

Step 3: Start searching! When off-campus, Library Access will let you know when you are on a website that the library has access to.

Step 4: Login with your UBC CWL (campus wide login)

Research Skills for Engineering Students

The content in this guide is for both novice and expert learners building their information literacy skills.

The guide addresses the following information literacy framworks:

1. Authority is Constructed and Contextual

2. Information Creation as Process

3. Information has Value

4. Research as Inquiry

5. Scholarship as Conversation

6. Searching as Strategic Exploration

For more details on the frameworks see Companion Document to the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.