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Master of Management - UBC Okanagan

Citing sources

Not only does citing others' ideas and direct quotes ensure you're not plagiarizing, it also demonstrates your credibility as a researcher. Incorporating citations shows that you have found relevant and credible literature on your topic, and enables you to engage with the literature in your discussion. 

Citing can be daunting. You have to remember to cite within your text and then add the full reference to the list at the end of your paper.

The easiest way to learn how to cite, in my opinion, is to find an example and then replace the information with your citation. UBC's APA Citation Style Guide provides the basics as well as many examples.

We also have a module about citation, as well as a module on how to cite in APA style. You can self-enroll in our course, Using UBCO Library for Research, to find these and more.

I'm happy to discuss citing with you!

Avoiding Plagiarism