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Book, Theatre, and Film Reviews

Getting Started

Reviews are important for understanding and evaluating books, films and plays. Summary reviews are usually short pieces published in newspapers, magazines,  journals, and online publications at the time the work has first come out and describe what the work is about, providing a short summary of the plot and its cast of characters. Opinion reviews also provide the reader with a summary as well as a critical analysis or evaluation of the work. While this analysis will not be as comprehensive in scope as literary criticism in a book of essays or an article from a research journal, a review is often a good way to get started.

Before you begin your search for a book, film, or theatre review you will need the following information:

  • title of the book, film, or play
  • author, director, or playwright
  • date of publication, release, or performance

Search tip: To find reviews in online indexes and databases, search for the title of the work and limit the search results to reviews (usually found under content or publication type) if the option is available. Also consider limiting by date.