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Online Learning and Digital Pedagogy

Other Resources

  • University of Toronto Digital Pedagogy Library Guide | This guide from the University of Toronto provides information on educational theory, a collection of case studies, and resources relevant to the study of digital pedagogy.
  • Sample Syllabi for Online Courses | An online, collaborative, document with examples of syllabi for online courses. Includes subject areas such as History, English, Math, Physics and more. 
  • Gettin' Air: The Open Pedagogy Podcast | Podcast host Terry Green invites guests to discuss educational technology and open learning practices in post-secondary education.
  • Teaching effectively during times of disruption, for SIS and PWR | A free, open resource on teaching effectively online. Includes resources for learning activities and assessments. Created by the Jenae Cohn and Beth Seltzer, Academic Technology Specialists at Stanford University. 
  • Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository | The University of Central Florida's (UCF) Center for Distributed Learning (CDL) offers the Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR) as a public resource for faculty and instructional designers interested in online and blended teaching strategies.
  • Association of College and University Educators: Online Teaching Toolkit | Resources and recommendations for moving classes online, created by the Association of College and University Educators. 
  • Open EdTech Collaborative | The Open EdTech Collaborative, created by Brian Lamb, Tannis Morgan, Grant Potter, Anne-Marie Scott, and Clint Lalonde, is a BC based initiative that offers support for using open Wordpress sites, Sandstorm, and Mattermost. 
  • Advice for college teachers moving online quickly by Steel Wagstaff | Article published on Medium. Steel Wagstaff is the Educational Product Owner at Pressbooks.
  • Previously recorded BCCampus online office hour sessions | Online office hour sessions include topics on assessment, basics of online learning, OER, and synchronous teaching/facilitation. 
  • Georgetown University: Webinars - Instructional continuity | Webinars on topics such as organizing materials in Canvas, assessment, and having productive online discussions. 
  • Online learning consortium | The Online Learning Consortium offers many professional development opportunities regarding online learning including workshops, webinars, and a certificate program.