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Law - Faculty & Instructors - Library Information

This guide provides library information for Allard School of Law faculty and instructors.

Faculty and staff should continue to apply at the Library for the following:

Interlibrary Loan & Book Retrieval

Services designed to facilitate the research of permanent Allard School of Law faculty members.

Interlibrary Loans – for materials not available in the UBC Library system

If you cannot find an article, book, or other item at UBC, you or your research assistant can use the UBC Library self-serve interlibrary loan system.

Book Retrieval – for books from the Law Library only

If there are books from the Law Library circulating collection that you need, send an email message to with sufficient information to identify exactly what is needed. 

Library staff will retrieve the books. You will receive an email message when the books are ready for pick up from the hold shelf in the Reference Room on Level 2. Remember to bring your library card so that you can sign out the books.

Of course, you or your research assistant may still retrieve books from our shelves, and you will need to visit other libraries to retrieve books held elsewhere.