The Faculty of Medicine maintains a helpful guide to resources supporting MD and non-MD undergraduate student research.
All research involving human participants – and all other activities which, even in part, involve such research – must be reviewed and approved by a UBC-affiliated Research Ethics Board (REB). REB review by another institution does not satisfy UBC requirements for ethics review. No intervention or interaction with human participants in research, including recruitment, may begin until such an REB has reviewed and approved the research protocol, consent documents and recruitment materials. This directive applies to research conducted by members or associated members of the University acting in their University capacity (members or associated members of the University include faculty, emeritus faculty, staff, sessional instructors, clinical professors, administrators, students, visiting or adjunct scholars, fellow, paid or unpaid associates and any other person associated with research at the University).
Research 101: A Manifesto for Ethical Research in the Downtown Eastside is an invaluable resource for anyone considering community-based research, especially in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES) community. In 2018, representatives from several DTES organizations gathered for a series of workshops to discuss their experiences with research, the wider context of research in the DTES, and community expectations for more ethical research practice. The resulting guidelines express what it means for university researchers (and other people coming from outside the DTES community) to treat communities like the DTES with the respect and dignity they deserve and expect.
The UBC Learning Exchange has produced various orientation materials that are designed to help students better understand some of the strengths, opportunities and challenges facing communities like the DTES.
Other resources: