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Aquatic Sciences, Oceans, and Fisheries


This page highlights organizations, books, and other resources related to learning, research, and practice in Indigenous fisheries.

Books & Reports

To find books, you can browse by subject headings, call number, or by searching. We have also highlighted a few titles below.

Subject Headings

You can find books by using subject headings, which are used to group books by topic. Try the suggestions below or find a book you are interested in and explore the "Subjects" listed in the record.


Call number ranges

You can browse by call number in person using the following call numbers. You can also search by call number using in the "Browse UBC Catalogue" search at the bottom of the Catalogue Search page by changing the drop down to "Call number equals."

Xwi7xwa Library

  • FS   Fishing Rights 
  • FSH   Fishing and Fishing Rights
  • FSK   Fishing - Commercial
  • FSQ   Salmonid Enhancement Programs
  • FSR   Sports Fishing
  • FST   Fishing - Canada 
  • FSU   Fishing - United States
  • FSX   Fishing - International

Woodward Library

More general subject headings and not specifically focused on Indigenous fisheries topics.

  • SH20.3 - SH191   Aquaculture
  • SH 201-300   Fisheries
  • SH 400-400.8   Seafood Gathering 
  • SH401 - SH691   Angling

Search Tips

Use Boolean operators (AND, OR), and truncation (*), and phrase searching (" "), as well as the advanced search options to help combine terms relevant to your topic. For example, the following terms might be helpful for a general search or you can use more specific terms. OR can be helpful for searching for synonyms or alternate spellings.

  • "First Nation*"
  • Inuit
  • Metis
  • Indigenous
  • Aboriginal
  • Traditional


  • Fisher*
  • Aquatic
  • Aquaculture
  • Fishing
  • Salmon*  [or other species]
  • Oncorhynchus [or scientific names for other species]


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