If you want to continue your research beyond our collections, the links below will help guide you in finding other useful sources.
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Department of English
Department of History
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UBC LibGuides
Archival Material
- This is a guide to searching for archival material in Canada and internationally, with an emphasis on British Columbia. Archival material includes primary sources (generally unpublished material ) such as manuscripts, letters, photographs and audio-visual material.
- This guide will help you locate books, articles, online databases, journals, primary sources, and theses concerning English literature and language.
- This guide will help you locate books, articles, online databases, journals, primary sources, and theses concerning history.
Organizations and Associations
The Ephemera Society of America
- The Ephemera Society of America, Inc. is a non-profit organization formed in 1980 to cultivate and encourage interest in ephemera and the history identified with it, and is a good way to connect with other people interested in ephemera.