UN-accredited global energy body, representing the entire energy spectrum, with 3000 member organisations in over 90 countries and drawn from governments, private and state corporations, academia, NGOs and energy-related stakeholders.
Provides access to journal articles, books and videos related to business, management, economics, banking, finance, and accounting. Use for finding articles, case studies, and company and industry information.
Market research reports focusing on consumer, technical and high tech products and services. Note: Freedonia Focus reports are now found in MarketResearch.com Academic database.
Contains full-text market research reports for Canadian, US and global industries. Reports cover industry structure, trends, competitive landscape and operating conditions.
Market research reports for consumer products, demographics, food, beverage, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and more. Includes reports from various sources, including Freedonia Focus, Packaged Facts and Kalorama.
A complete online collection of journals, books, and statistical series and databases published by the OECD since 1998. Use for: full-text access to books, journals and statistics from the OECD.
Annual projections from the International Energy Agency. Note: this is available as part of UBC Library's subscription to the OECD iLibrary (it is not freely available on the Internet).