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Law - Faculty Current Awareness Services

Faculty Current Awareness Services

Canada Law Book eREPORTS:

NOTE: "We are in the process of making accessibility improvements to the... eReports. Delivery of the L.A.C. eReports will resume once these improvements have been implemented. "

Thomson Reuters Canada’s service for the electronic delivery of Law Reports. Subscribers will receive an electronic version of the "paper part," including the Indexing & Case Digests as well as a links to the full-text of judgments. eREPORTS is currently available for the following Law Reports: 

Dominion Law Reports
Canadian Criminal Cases
Labour Arbitration Cases
Canadian Patent Reporter

The Canadian Abridgment eDIGESTS: A current awareness service for keeping abreast of the latest developments in case law for a particular topic. The content is derived from case digests that have been written for The Canadian Abridgment Case Digests. The following topics are available: Constitutional Law, Impaired Driving, Young Offenders, Family Law, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Aboriginal Law, Damages, Practice, Torts, Administrative Law, Business Associations, Commercial Law, Employment Law, Estates and Trusts, Insurance, Labour Law, and Real Property.

Legal Scholarship Network: Each e-mailed issue contains abstracts of recent papers in particular areas of legal scholarship; includes instructions on how to obtain the full-text of the papers.

SmartCILP: Customized current awareness tool providing tailored alerts delivered via email as a personalized supplement to the weekly Current Index to Legal Periodicals issue. Provides weekly notification that lists the most recent material available within chosen subjects or journals. All SmartCILP notifications include direct full-text linking to HeinOnline's Law Journal Library.

Economics Research Network: Each e-mailed issue contains abstracts of recent papers in particular areas of economics; includes instructions on how to obtain the full-text of the papers.