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Company Profiles M-R

This guide provides links to information about specific companies.


Methanex Corporation (NASDAQ:MEOH; TSX:MX; SSE:METHANEX) is the world's largest supplier of methanol to major international markets in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and Latin America. Methanol is an ingredient in many industrial and consumer products, and is usually derived from natural gas feedstock. It can be found in everything from windshield washer fluid to recyclable plastic bottles, plywood floors to paint, silicone sealants to synthetic fibres. The fastest growing markets for the use of methanol are in the energy sector including direct gasoline blending, dimethyl ether and biodiesel.

Methanex has manufacturing, marketing and supply chain capabilities in North America, Latin America, Europe, the Caribbean, the Middle East and throughout the Asia Pacific region. It owns the shipping subsidiary Waterfront Shipping. Methanex is headquartered in Vancouver (Source: Methanex, etc).

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