IMPORTANT: Course instructors should enter streaming video titles into LOCR if they are recommending films to their students. Many streamed video databases are subscription-based and access to individual titles can be time-limited. If titles have been entered into LOCR then Library staff will be able to contact instructors before access is lost.
Please note that not all streaming content is indexed in Summon. If a title does not come up in the LOCR search use the manual form entry link that appears when items are not found to enter in the relevant information about the title including director, year, etc. If UBC Library does not own/have access to the title, Library staff will automatically investigate the options available and communicate these to the course instructor.
The following is a brief selection of Indigenous performance poetry and Storytelling from Canadian artists.
Xwi7xwa purchased many individual Indigenous-focused streaming media titles which are hosted on a platform called McIntyre Media.
Here is a list of selected streaming media at X̱wi7x̱wa Library!
There are two ways you'll be prompted to connect before you can access your online item:
Here’s how to search the library catalogue for streaming content:
IMPORTANT: When searching for streaming media in UBC's Catalogue you may not find the title you are looking for but you still may have streaming privileges of that title!!!
Check National Film Board (needs Campus Wide Login)
Check Criterion on Demand