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Decolonization & Anti-Racism

In support of UBC's Indigenous Strategic Plan (ISP) this guide assists in finding and facilitating decolonial & anti-racist research. Here you will find key resources, search strategies, & additional open access information sources.

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Article 31

1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional  cultural  expressions,  as  well  as  the  manifestations  of  their sciences,  technologies  and  cultures,  including  human  and  genetic resources,  seeds,  medicines,  knowledge  of  the  properties  of  fauna and flora, oral traditions, literatures, designs, sports and traditional games and visual and performing arts. They also have the right to maintain,  control,  protect  and  develop  their  intellectual  property over  such  cultural  heritage,  traditional  knowledge,  and  traditional cultural expressions.

2. In conjunction with indigenous peoples, States shall take effective measures to recognize and protect the exercise of these rights.

From Article 31 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

Word International Property Organization (WIPO)

WIPO consists of 193 member states and was established in 1967 as the the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation. WIPO's mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all. 

Finding Materials on Cultural and Intellectual Property

Subject Headings

Subject headings are a tool designed to help researchers find similar materials. These are only some examples of the many subject headings that X̱wi7x̱wa Library uses. Spend a few minutes exploring them when you find a book in the catalogue that supports your research.

Browse Catalogue > Subject begins with:

Keyword Search

Search for the phrase "Indigenous cultural and intellectual property" in Summon.

Helpful Hints for Keyword Searches

  • Use quotation marks to search for a phrase.
    Example: "First Nations"
  • Use an asterisk to truncate a term to search for words with the same stem when searching Summon. (Use a question mark when searching the UBC Library Catalogue)
    Example: Method* retrieves Method, Methods, Methodology, Methodologies, Methodological, etc.

Additional Resources