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Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, & Two-Spirit (MMIWG2S)

How to Use a Thesis

Theses often provide unique research findings, analyses, and comprehensive bibliographies, in addition to modeling particular types of methodology. Check the bibliographies and footnotes of theses and dissertations to gather resources for your own work.

North American Theses

cIRcle Repository

cIRcle is the University of British Columbia's open access digital repository for research and teaching materials created by the UBC community and its partners. It showcases and preserves UBC’s unique intellectual output by making content freely available to anyone, anywhere via the web.

cIRcle increases your scholarly profile by providing free, permanent access to your work. You can find thousands of UBC Theses and Dissertations in cIRcle as well as exemplary undergraduate and graduate student work. To add your work to cIRcle, you will need to get approval from your professor, instructor or supervisor.

When searching in cIRcle in the regular search or advanced search, make sure to click "search cIRcle only" if you want to see theses, dissertations, and other learning materials. 


To find out more, visit the website and read the FAQs or contact a member of the team.