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CHIN 471 Tang Poetry

Newspaper Databases

  • 中国重要报纸全文数据库 
    Provides full-text access to around 1,000 publicly issued newspapers in mainland China.
  • National Index to Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals (NICNP) / 全国报刊索引 
    Indexes over 16,000 newspaper and periodical titles published in mainland China, Hongkong and Taiwan from 1833 to the present. Full-text periodicals from 1911-1949 in the database will be avaliable after August, 2013.
  • North China Herald (1842-1943) 北华捷报
    Includes trade statistics, stock prices, Chinese and foreign news, essays on Chinese culture and language, law reports from the settlements' courts, company reports, news on expatriate social, cultural and political life, maps, cartoons, photographs, stock prices and law and company reports, advertisements, tables of tea, silk and cotton exports, reports on missionary activities, birth, marriage, and death announcements. Its coverage extends beyond the British communities to includes other foreign nationals - the French, Danish, Italian, German, Dutch...
  • People's Daily (1946-present) / 人民日报 
    Provides full-text access to People's Daily, the major state newspaper of the People's Republic of China.
  • Mingpao Vancouver Community News / 明報—社區新聞檢索系統 
    A free online database of community news in Chinese developed by UBC Asian Library in collaboration with Ming Pao News group and a family foundation dedicated to the furthering of Chinese culture in Canada. Currently available are community news and information from Ming Pao newspapers published since July 2003.
  • Digital Shen Bao (1872-1949) / 申報 
    Although first published by the English merchant Ernest Major (1841-1908), Shenbao's main audience was Chinese, not foreign readers. Shenbao became very popular soon after its launch and played an important role in forming public opinion in China. The newspaper was distributed throughout China, and in the mid-1930s, more than 150,000 copies were printed each day, making it the largest newspaper in the country in terms of circulation. Shenbao placed particular emphasis on its editorials, as well as on literature and art, and influenced modern Chinese newspapers to organize their papers around news, editorials, literature, and advertisements. Distancing itself from other contemporary newspapers that mainly dealt with unfounded rumors and articles of little value, Shenbao made significant contributions toward the progress of the Chinese newspaper industry with its innovative attitude, publishing informative articles that reflected social norms and lifestyles.
  • Chinese Times/ 大漢公報
    The Chinese Times newspaper was published in Vancouver daily from 1914 to 1992; it covered both local information and news about China and Asia generally. Totaling about 250,000 pages, this collection covers many important moments in the history of Vancouver’s Chinese community, from early immigration struggles to the establishment of a thriving home base near Vancouver’s downtown. As the longest-running newspaper in the largest Chinese community in Canada, the Chinese Times was uniquely situated to reflect the adaptation of immigrants to Canada, their participation in World War I and II, their struggle against the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923 (finally repealed in 1947), the hardships of the Depression and ongoing racism, as well as the organizational power of the Chinese community to work together in these circumstances.