Books about psychological tests typically include descriptions of tests, but often do not contain the tests themselves. For a breakdown of tests that are available in books, please consult Tests and measures in the social sciences: Tests available in compilation volumes.
To find additional books: In the Catalogue, use a Subject search for "Psychological Tests" or "Educational Tests and Measurements"
APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology. Washington: American Psychological Association.
Online | American Psychological Association, c2013
Assessing common mental health and addiction issues with free-access instruments
Online | Routledge, c2013
Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment
Online | SAGE, c2003
Handbook of Psychological Assessment
Online | Academic Press, c2019
The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment
Online | SAGE, c2008
Psychological testing: An introduction
Online | Cambridge University Press, c2006
Wiley handbook of psychometric testing : a multidisciplinary reference on survey, scale, and test development
Online | Wiley Blackwell, c2018
An "appended" test is available in full text.
To find an appended test in PsycINFO -
- In the first search box, enter keywords or the name of the test/instrument
- In the second search box, enter the word "appended" and select TM (Test & Measures) from the drop-down menu
- In the first box, enter keywords or the name of the test/instrument.
- Scroll down the page to Publication Type and select Tests/Questionnaires
Vol. 1: Test theory and testing and assessment in industrial and organizational psychology.
Despite the title, "the first section of the handbook covers psychometric aspects of testing", applied in all applications of testing.
Vol. 2: Testing and assessment in clinical and counseling psychology.
Sage Research Methods contains 175,000 pages from Sage books and journal articles, including information about testing and measurement.