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Education Research Guide

A guide to general information and resources in the field of education

Education Article Databases

Large index to journals/documents on all aspects of education, from preschool to post-secondary and adult education.

ERIC (FREE)     
An open access ERIC database with research available to everyone at no cost.

Education Source
Education Source is the largest collection of full-text education journals for all levels of education from early childhood to higher education as well as multilingual education, health education, and testing.

Teacher Reference Center
Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 270 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators.

Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA Complete)    Canadian Resource Icon
Includes CBCA Education, which focuses on Canadian information in the field of education that is not available elsewhere. Over 400 journals are in this collection. CBCA Complete also includes: CBCA Business, CBCA Current Events, and CBCA Reference.

Includes peer-reviewed articles and papers on research related to all aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning.

International ERIC
Consists of the Australian Education Index and British Education Index.

Articles in French

CAIRN General Collection
CAIRN was formed in 1995 by four European publishing houses (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte and Erès) and offers access to the most comprehensive collection of French language periodicals in the social sciences and humanities disciplines.

Erudit scholarly journals collection    Canadian Resource Icon
Érudit is a multi-institutional publishing consortium comprising the Université de Montréal, the Université Laval and the Université du Québec à Montréal.

Repère provides the most comprehensive source for journal articles in French: more than 255,000 references to articles from 500 French-language periodicals, including all of the major Canadian French language titles in addition to articles published in France, Belgium and Switzerland. It offers full-text for 8,600 articles appearing in approximately 41 Quebec periodicals.

Education Journals

Multidisciplinary Article Databases

cIRcle    Canadian Resource Icon
cIRcle is the University of British Columbia's digital repository for research and teaching materials created by the UBC community and its partners. 

Communication & Mass Media Complete
Offers research in areas related to communication and mass media such as digital, video and multimodal technologies.

Canada Commons (formerly Canadian Public Policy Collection / Des Libris)   Canadian Resource Icon
Canadian Electronic Library: a collection of ebooks which has been available to libraries since 2005.

Digital Commons Network
Open access academic research from top universities.

Elsevier Science Direct
Full text electronic journals covering the physical sciences, applied sciences, life sciences, social sciences, business & economics. Also includes reference works, book series, and handbooks.

Google Scholar 
Google Scholar (GS) Google Scholar (GS) (in beta since 2004) is the world's largest academic search engine providing free access to a full range of scholarly literature (ie. peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, technical reports). 

Proquest Dissertations and Theses  
The full text of UBC doctoral dissertations from 1997 to 2007 (including many pre-1997 titles) are available to UBC users.

PsycINFO (includes full text from PsycARTICLES)
The major index for psychology, but includes education topics that focus on cognitive development, gender, family, linguistics, special education and counselling.
Quick Reference Guide — PsycINFO on EBSCOhost

Contains citations to the worldwide scientific and practical literature in the areas of individual and team sports, coaching, sports medicine, sport law, sport science, kinesiology, physical therapy, physical fitness, physical education, corporate wellness, sport psychology and the social aspects of sport and leisure.

Web of Science
A citation index covering the social sciences, humanities, and sciences.