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SCAN 415
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SCAN 415
The world of the sagas
Saga interpretation
Njál's saga
Byock, Jesse.
Medieval iceland: Society, saga and power.
Byock, Jesse.
Viking age Iceland.
Lindow, John.
Handbook of Norse mythology.
Medieval Scandinavia: an encyclopedia.
Miller, William Ian.
Bloodtaking and peacemaking: Feud, law and society in Saga Iceland.
Turville-Petre, Gabriel.
Myth and religion of the North: the religion of ancient Scandinavia.
Zori, Davide Marco. "The Norse in Iceland."
Saga interpretation
Anderson, Theodore M. "The displacement of the heroic ideal in the Family Sagas."
45 (1970): 575-593
Lindow, John, Lars Lönnroth, and Gerd Wolfganf Weber, editors.
Structure and meaning in Old Norse literature: new approaches to textuakl analysis and literary criticism.
Sigurdson, Erika Ruth. "Violence and historical authenticity: Rape (and pillage) in popular Viking fiction."
Scandinavian studies
86 (2014): 249-267.
Njál's saga
Allen, Richard F.
Fire and iron: Critical approaches to Njáls saga.
Anderson, Carolyn. "No fixed point: Gender and blood feuds in
Njál's saga
Philological quarterly
81 (2002): 421-440.
Crocker Christopher. "Dreaming of death in
Brennu-Njáls saga
Journal of English and Germanic philology
114 (2015): 261-291.
Miller, William Ian.
"Why is your axe bloody?": a reading of
Njàls saga.
Sveinsson, Einar Ólafur. Njáls Saga:
A Literary Masterpiece