Book reviews can provide comparative insight into your analsis and understanding of a book. They are not peer-reviewed and should generally not be relied upon to form a fundamental part of your argument or narrative. When searching Summon, you can limit to Book Reviews on the left of your screen.
You may find additional book reviews for this title, the ones listed here are a sample of what is available.
As of November 2014 there are no peer-reviewed articles that analyze this book.
Prominent themes in this book can be researched and used as secondary sources. The questions provided in your syllabus can seem very specific when you start to conduct research. Often you need to take numerous conceptual steps backwards in order to find articles or books that relate.
Search Summon, the Library's general search engine to find scholarly books and articles.
Example #1: Search "son preference" "north america" and then limit your results to "Scholarly & Peer Review" on the left side of the screen. Many relevant books and articles are listed in your results. You could also add a word, such as feticide to your search to narrow your results. Again, there are many relevant books and articles. Change the keywords that you use and your results will vary. Example, replace "son preference with gender; this will broaden your search. Following the same logic, you could search "son preference" feminism to try and find a theoretical article that analyzes your topic. The keywords "son preference" patriarchy "north america" will return results with a different theoretical perspective. Change your keywords based on the question you have chosen to address. You should be able to relate the content in these results directly to the book.
Example #2: Search feminism housewife reader and then limit your results to "Scholarly & Peer Review" AND choose books/ebooks on the left side of the screen. Books often provide a wide overview of a topic. A book might be titled "The Feminist Reader" and include chapters on different aspects of feminism, including an overview of housewife sterotypes in one chapter; the word reader can sometimes be helpful to pull up introductory texts with broad overvies. (Note: this is a fake book title, it is just an example!). Book chapters that provide an overview can be very useful in framing your analysis. By contrast, articles are often focussed on analyzing a very specific aspect of a problem or issue.