Locate journal articles by searching the indexes listed below.
Academic Search Complete A full-text database with coverage of Scandinavian culture and history, languages and literature; texts are primarily in English.
JSTOR Collection The Journal STORage database contains backfiles of academic journals in all disciplines and many languages. Use for access to articles from the first issue of a journal to within six months to five years from the present.
LexisNexis Academic A small assortment of news sources is included in the Foreign Language News section. Select News - Foreign Language in the General Searching column to begin.
Historical Abstracts Historical Abstracts indexes more than 2,300 academic historical journals in addition to books, conference proceedings and dissertations in over 40 languages; coverage dates from the fifteenth century onward.
Web of Science The Arts and Humanities Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index together cover several thousand academic journals. Use for citation analysis of research journals.
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses - Full Text Searchable index of dissertations and some theses. The full texts of (primarily North American) dissertations and theses added to the database since 1997 are available to UBC users.
Art Full Text Index of journals published 1984 to the present.
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals This essential tool for film studies, created by the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), indexes 300 of the world's foremost academic and popular film journals, dating from 1972 onward