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MD Program: Foundations of Medical Practice (MEDD 411, MEDD 412, MEDD 421, MEDD 422)

Information for first & second year medical students.

eBooks, Journals & Databases


The search bar that is on the library landing page of UBC Vancouver, UBC Okanagan, UNBC, and UVic libraries is called Summon. At UBC, we recommend logging in to Summon before searching (click LOGIN at top right and choose "OpenAthens Login"). Some publishers require that users authenticate in order to view bibliographic/item data through a search tool like Summon. To ensure you are seeing the complete set of search results, please log in. Your OpenAthens session will last for several hours. 

Summon searches across most, but not all of what the libraries have available. Run your search, and select 'Books/eBooks' from the list of Publication Types on the left-hand pane of your results page. 

Key Resources


While you can use Summon and Google Scholar to look for journal articles, UBC subscribes to many databases that are subject specific, offer enhanced search capabilities, and are populated predominantly with scholarly publications. 

Anti-Racism in Health Education

Selected Titles

Dermatology eBooks

Video and Image Resources

Drug Resources

For more, please see:

Consumer Health