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Indigenous Art on UBC Okanagan Campus

A self-guided tour of some Indigenous artwork on display in various locations at the University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus.

Readings on Indigenous Health Care

1. First Nations, Inuit and Métis health: Considerations for Canadian health leaders in the wake of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada report

In this research paper First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples living in Canada face profound health disparities relative to non-Indigenous Canadians on almost every measure of health and well-being. Advancing health opportunities for Indigenous peoples require responses at all levels of healthcare delivery and policy.  

2. Social Determinants of Health Inequities in Indigenous Canadians Through a Life Course Approach to Colonialism and the Residential School System

Indigenous populations in Canada have experienced social, economic, and political disadvantages through colonialism. The policies implemented to assimilate Aboriginal peoples have dissolved cultural continuity and unfavourably shaped their health outcomes. As a result, Indigenous Canadians face health inequities such as chronic illness, food insecurity, and mental health crises.

3.Social Support and Thriving Health: A New Approach to Understanding the Health of Indigenous Canadians

In this research paper they examined the importance of social support in promoting thriving health among indigenous Canadians, a disadvantaged population.Social support is a strong determinant of thriving health, particularly among women. Research that emphasizes thriving represents a positive and necessary turn in the indigenous health discourse.

4. Understanding the social determinants of health among Indigenous Canadians: priorities for health promotion policies and actions

Indigenous Canadians have a life expectancy 12 years lower than the national average and experience higher rates of preventable chronic diseases compared with non-Indigenous Canadians. Transgenerational trauma from past assimilation policies have affected the health of Indigenous populations. The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively examine the social determinants of health (SDH), in order to identify priorities for health promotion policies and actions.

5. Disparities in Canadian Indigenous Health Research on Neurodevelopmental Disorders

The authors used a detailed search strategy to identify and access publications on ASD, CP, and FASD involving Canadian Aboriginal children, families, and communities from online databases. They analyzed these materials for the type of research, stated objectives, methodologies, and the level of engagement of Aboriginal Peoples.  The focus on FASD in Aboriginal children and the absence of research on the other 2 major childhood disorders are at odds with rates of these disorders across Canadian children. The authors argue that this trend violates fundamental principles ensuring equitable representation of all children regardless of background in research and access to benefits of research in health care and perpetuates stigma in an already marginalized population.

6. Barriers to Including Indigenous Content in Canadian Health Professions Curricula

Indigenous peoples in Canada continue to face health care inequities despite their increased risk for various negative health outcomes. Evidence suggests that health professions students and faculty do not feel their curriculum ideally prepared learners to address these inequities. The aim of this study was to identify barriers that hinder the inclusion of adequate Indigenous content in curricula across health professions programs.