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Indigenous Treaties

An introduction to treaties in BC and Canada, and Métis settlements.

Getting Started

Specific Claims are intended to resolve any issues or grievances Indigenous people have with regard to government obligations, as defined in historical treaties. Often these issues arise out of differences between government and First Nations' understandings of what the treaties mean


[Image from Government of Canada]


Learn About Specific Claims

Move Forward with a Specific Claim: Guides, Toolkits, and Resources

Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC)

The Union of BC Indian Chiefs "support[s] the work of our people, whether at the community, nation or international level, in our common fight for the recognition of our aboriginal rights and respect for our cultures and societies." 

  • For more information about UBCIC, see their About page. 

To see UBCIC's involvement in specific claims research:

Funding Concerns with Specific Claims

The Office of the Auditor General, in Report 6 published May 2016, found that funding was a major barrier to the specific claims process. Details on funding are highlighted on pages 2, 6, 8-10, and 13, and in Recommendation 3 on page 14.

Specific Claims Tribunal

The Specific Claims Tribunal was created in 2008 by the Canadian Government and the Assembly of First Nations. The goal was to speed up the process of resolving specific claims.

Specific Claims Audit