Mapping the villages and towns recorded in the Register of Chinese Immigration to Canada from 1885 to 1949
The mapping of geographic names recorded in the head tax database was launched in the fall of 2008 as one of the “Asian Library’s Partnerships with Communities Program Series”. It took 20 rounds of community-based meetings with Taishanese/Zhongshanese-speaking participants to match the towns and villages of origin reported by 90% of immigrants from these two counties with the original geographical names in Chinese scripts. With the findings and on-going contributions to the list, community members interested in their genealogy, UBC students and indeed scholars from all over the world are able to work toward an international research network for reporting the roots of emigrants from Guangdong, China from 1885-1947.
Please click here for a detailed description of the project.
Part of the findings can be found in “Where Did the Immigrants Actually Come From?” exhibit.
Rudy Chiang, a community researcher took up the mapping of Xinhui (Sun Woy) after attending the Asian Library’s “Workshop on the Taishan and Zhongshan Immigrants in North America” in May 2010. He released his initial report in January 2012 and gave a presentation at the 9th ISSCO Conference held in July 2016. Click the links for Rudy’s reports and PowerPoint presentations: Head Tax database report (2012) | PowerPoint presentation (2012) | PowerPoint presentation (2016).
為整理早期華人的移民檔案,卑詩大學亞洲圖書館自二零零八年起,多次舉辦台山及中山地名工作坊,以辨證繳交 人頭稅人士的籍貫資料。在通曉台山及中山方言的人士協助下,再配合當年地圖之地名,成功辨認出90%的台山及中山移民之籍貫紀錄。這些研究成果將協助華人尋找先祖根源,歡迎有興趣於一八八五至一九四七年間廣東移民歷史的學者、社區人士及學生與本館建立研究網絡和交流。
有關研究項目的詳情, 請參考宣傳冊。
另社區研究員蔣汶德先生在參加了二零一零年五月舉行之「北美台山與中山移民座談會」後開始核對新會的紀錄,於二零一二年一月發表初步研究結果 ( 數據庫 |演講幻燈 PPT),其後在二零一六年七月舉行的世界海外華人研究學會國際會議發表詳細報告 (演講幻燈PPT)。